Privacy Policy
CapitolBuddy or "we/us" -- refers to the employees of the CapitolBuddy team.
CapitolBuddy Users or "you" -- refers to those that have signed up with CapitolBuddy or have otherwise used it's services.
1. What is covered by this policy
All the information used and updated with CapitolBuddy services, including the iOS apps and any web app editions of CapitolBuddy.
2. Using what we collect
Private notes kept by CapitolBuddy users are stored on private servers monitored by CapitolBuddy. This information is viewed or changed by CapitolBuddy only in the instance where explicit permission is given for some special technical assistance by the user.
Personal information such as email, username, and usage statistics collected by us will not be sold to any other entity. But may be used to market CapitolBuddy's own features through email and push notifications.
3. Sharing of notes
In some versions of the CapitolBuddy service, it may be an option to share private notes from the app with other users. In these cases, it is the responsibility of the user to maintain their settings such that no information is misshared, or shared accidentally. The default sharing setting for all users is that objects be only readable and writable by said user. Individual notes' sharing settings may be set one by one. We have added these features to make it easier to you, the user, to maintain your desired privacy.
4. Data Encryption and Security
Every step has been taken to ensure the security of your info with professionally designed and maintained servers at Amazon's secure data centers.
Amazon’s data center operations have been accredited under:
CapitolBuddy or "we/us" -- refers to the employees of the CapitolBuddy team.
CapitolBuddy Users or "you" -- refers to those that have signed up with CapitolBuddy or have otherwise used it's services.
1. What is covered by this policy
All the information used and updated with CapitolBuddy services, including the iOS apps and any web app editions of CapitolBuddy.
2. Using what we collect
Private notes kept by CapitolBuddy users are stored on private servers monitored by CapitolBuddy. This information is viewed or changed by CapitolBuddy only in the instance where explicit permission is given for some special technical assistance by the user.
Personal information such as email, username, and usage statistics collected by us will not be sold to any other entity. But may be used to market CapitolBuddy's own features through email and push notifications.
3. Sharing of notes
In some versions of the CapitolBuddy service, it may be an option to share private notes from the app with other users. In these cases, it is the responsibility of the user to maintain their settings such that no information is misshared, or shared accidentally. The default sharing setting for all users is that objects be only readable and writable by said user. Individual notes' sharing settings may be set one by one. We have added these features to make it easier to you, the user, to maintain your desired privacy.
4. Data Encryption and Security
Every step has been taken to ensure the security of your info with professionally designed and maintained servers at Amazon's secure data centers.
Amazon’s data center operations have been accredited under:
- ISO 27001
- SOC 1/SSAE 16/ISAE 3402 (Previously SAS 70 Type II)
- PCI Level 1
- FISMA Moderate
- Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX)